Thursday, April 30, 2009

Singing Birds....

But really.....
what's the deal with singing in the morning at 4 A.M.
The sun isn't even up yet.
I LOVE your little songs but to noisy before sunrise.

SOCIAL HOUR Begins at 7 A.m.
I Love you little Birdies :)


Kar said...

I don't even mind that it's at 4 in the morning, because it means that there is no more snow and that spring really is here. Now that it's almost May. :)

Gramma n Grampa said...

I wouldn't mined either if it would get warmer and SUNNY for long periods of time. (like now until Dec.) It says it's spring on the calendar but it sure doesn't feel like it. I no, I no I live in IDAHO. :))))

Emily Empey said...


Patty said...

I agree with Larae. And they sing late in to the night. Go to sleep little birdies- see you after 8.